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Elevate Your Electrolysis Experience: A Comprehensive Guide to Optimal Skincare with Ober Yahr Electrolysis Favorite Products

Updated: Feb 9

Welcome to OY Electrolysis, where we not only strive to excel in providing exceptional permanent hair removal but also prioritize a comprehensive skincare routine to ensure your skin experiences the utmost care before, during, and after electrolysis sessions. Yes, a lot of products are by Action De Gala, and that is because they are a brand that specializes in items designed to support post-treatment care, hydration, and healing. Their products incorporate natural ingredients that are beneficial for soothing and nourishing the skin.

Dermaliss by Action De Gala (Cleanser):

  • Kickstart your skincare routine with Dermaliss. This gentle daily cleanser meticulously removes impurities, creating a pristine canvas for your upcoming electrolysis treatment. Should you be unable to cleanse before your session, worry not – we address the area with alcohol to ensure a hygienic procedure.

Zensa Numbing Cream 20 Minutes Prior to Treatment:

  • Apply Zensa Numbing Cream before your electrolysis session to numb the skin's surface. Enhance your experience by sitting with a warm towel before applying Zensa Numbing Cream. This extra step boosts blood circulation, amplifying the cream's effectiveness for a more comfortable hair removal experience. 

Yi-ZhiBaume by Action De Gala:

  • Post-treatment, indulge your skin with Yi-ZhiBaume. This balm accelerates healing, diminishes redness, and creates a protective barrier for nourished skin. It's our go-to post-treatment choice, especially when paired with cataphoresis in-office. This product is a must have.

VittoSoin by Action De Gala:

  • For the extra sensitive: elevate your routine with VittoSoin, a rejuvenating serum enriched with vitamins and antioxidants. This serum enhances skin vitality, fostering faster healing and improving overall skin texture and tone.

ExoDerm by Action De Gala:

  • For those struggling with ingrown hairs, integrate ExoDerm into your routine to prevent and treat these trouble spots. This gentle exfoliating cream maintains smooth, bump-free skin by reducing inflammation and promoting proper hair growth. This should be used between treatments, skip on treatment day or while your skin still looks/feels irritated. Can be paired with exfoliating gloves for an elevated experience.

Exfoliating Glove for Ingrown Hairs:

  • Buff away dead skin cells using our specially designed exfoliating glove. This crucial step prevents ingrown hairs and paves the way for a smooth electrolysis session. For optimal results, consider incorporating this into your routine every second or third night before bedtime.

Divini-T by Action De Gala (Once a Week Facial Mask):

  • Treat your skin weekly to the luxurious Divini-T facial mask. This mask rejuvenates and revitalizes, delivering a deep level of nourishment and radiance to your skin.

Incorporate these steps into your skincare routine to orchestrate a harmonious synergy between each product, ensuring the most optimal results for your skin. Elevate your electrolysis experience with Ober Yahr Electrolysis and our favorite supporting products. Your skin deserves the best care, and we're dedicated to guiding you through every step of the way.

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